I am afraid of things I do not understand or am secretly afraid I cannot comprehend…

Example:  I look with envy upon those who bike the newly spring enhanced streets of Minneapolis as I have contemplated the purchase of a bike, for just such a purpose, for quite some time.  However, the rules and logic of biking on a street (though I realize probably not as complicated as I’ve declared them to be in my mind) have thoroughly paralyzed me from making any actual steps towards the implementation of that idea…

      Things like rather graphic visions of myself bouncing from the side of a car and hurling headlong into an inordinately large vehicle….  or causing pileups in traffic with each terribly wrong turn that I make…   cause me to refrain from the bike idea…

And while my jealousy does not cause me to make fun of people who bike…(more so myself in that arena)  I admit I do make fun of a lot of things I don’t fully understand,  because I don’t fully understand them… 

And while some attempts at satire and humor and ridicule are justifiable… the majority of mine probably are not…  and as I am definitely not as smart as I’d like to be or come across, those “humorous” attempts generally fall short anyhow.

Which brings me to the point of this post… I’d like to try to make an effort to stop making fun of that which I have not fully looked into or at least “attempted” to understand or know something about first… 

Which means actual work and genuine interest in things and people rather than an audience 😉 …  go figure.

I often hear older people say that they’ve become more or less judgemental with age…  I’d like to start finding the “less” path a bit early if at all possible…